Write For Us

Are you a finance blogger, stock market trader, stock analyst, or finance website owner, and want to contribute to TradingBaate.com on general financial education, news, trading, stock market, and personal finance, then you all are welcome here.

Write For Us

We are ready to accept your article/post/products/insights/thoughts/news or any update, on the given guidelines.

Let’s discuss a little bit more:


  • Articles that have just duplicate content or are already available elsewhere are not published by us. 
  • Your writing must be unique, educational, and unique to our blog.

Send us an email at [write@tradingbaate.com]; with your title and quotation; and then our team will get back to you within 24 to 48 hours. 

Stay Connected! Stay Blessed!

We always welcome finance writer(s) or blogger(s), along with technical analysts, and trading, and investment experts; who want to become a part of our expert writing team and show their expertise, experience, and learning here.

List of Subjects/Niches/Interests

These are the subjects/niches or Interests, where you can write a Guest Post with the following guidelines;



Stock Market

Trading Market

Budgeting Apps

Legal Marketing

Budgeting Tools

Budgeting Methods

Personal Finance

Saving and Banking

Trading Psychology

Technical Analysis

Education Articles

Financial Marketing

Insurance Marketing

Non-Profit Marketing

Fundamental Analysis

General Business Marketing

Budgeting Tips and Hacks

Financial Literacy and Planning

Forex / Binary Options articles

Financial Literacy and Planning

Review of Brokers/Programs for Trading

Important Points

Read these key points; before proceeding forward:

  • Your post will appear on the homepage but fresh postings will immediately take their place,
  • Typically, two links will be provided, along with the option to “Do-Follow” or “No-Follow”,
  • Your link will remain live for the specified time, or forever, based on the deal you make,
  • We reserve the right to approve or reject any article, post, or blog,
  • We also provide link placement in our older articles, albeit this comes at a price, 
  • Within 24 to 48 hours of the decided amount  being properly received and approved, your guest post will be live at TradingBaate.com

Guidelines for Submitting an Article/Post

Length: The optimum length of your content must be 800 to 5000 words.(Min. 800 words) 

Format: Content needs to be well-written, distinct, and detailed. To make the article easier to read, include paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings.

Topic: Your content must be related to financial education or personal finance including trading, stock market, or in the above-given categories or niches.

Extra’s: Proper citation of financial market data and quotes from trading analysts and finance experts, So, proper references to build authority and trust among the users; Include relevant links to other financial websites.

Image(s): Featured Images can be submitted by you, or we can create them; if needed.

  • 3 to 4 relevant images, minimum, in a suitable size and format. 
  • When using a picture or images from stock photo sites such as pexels.com or pixabay.com. 
  • Provide the chosen picture URL along with your article. 
  • When using photos, be conscious not to violate anyone’s copyright rights. As needed, give credit.

Links: Only healthy and relevant links will be accounted for here. 

Original: Your submission must be original and must be research-oriented content. If you provided your self-designed images, we are excited to put those in with your content. 

  • No Plagiarism content is entertained and you may be blacklisted for future submissions also. 

Editing: We reserve every right to edit the formatting or wording, anytime, If necessary. 

Avoid: Any spammy or AI-generated stuff will be discarded by our team. 

  • Be genuine, and authentic, because we have an original audience, and never disappoint them a little.

All your content will be verified before publishing.

Any promotional content will be charged additionally and will be discarded, If not relevant, according to our audience or the above-given niche or interests.

Ready to Submit Now

Are you ready?

If; yes; then just pitch your article/post to our editorial team and before that please confirm your title or topic via this given Google Form, and then our team will reach you via [write@tradingbaate.com]

You will notified when your article/post will be live with all terms and conditions followed. 

How To Search Finance/Stock Market Guest Posting Sites?

Seeking guest posting sites for finance education or stock market like technical analysis, fundamental analysis, or personal fiance or fiance education, can be an excellent way to expand your online persona, build high-quality backlinks, and share your knowledge and expertise.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to look for guest posting opportunities in the financial and trading world. 

Keyword Research 

Just start with relevant keywords related to trading and the stock market or financial education. These may include terms like “stock market,” trading,” “intra-day trading,”, “psychology management,” and many more.

Niche Specific Websites

Suppose you are looking for a website related to trading, personal finance, or financial education. Then,  “Trading Baate” will be your best choice if you are looking for a guest post opportunity in these given categories, or niches. 

Or; you can go for niche-specific or category websites, magazines, news portals, blogs, websites, events, etc. to find potential guest posting opportunities in any field. 

Join Social Media Groups or Communities

On Facebook, Quora, Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms, there is a wealth of guest posting communities and groups. 

Participating in such communities can help you get started. You can also start networking, stay up to date on guest post possibilities, and seize them as soon as they arise.

Competitor Analysis

Find the live sites of your competitors’ guest articles using tools like Ahref, Semrush, and Moz Link Explorer, then get in touch with the administrators or owners of these websites. 

Thus, if you agree with their guidelines, your guest article is going to be posted there. 

Check Guidelines for Guest Posting

After choosing websites to publish your guest post, you must first read their “Write for Us” and “Guest Posting” guidelines. 

After reviewing their rules and regulations and then process further.


You are now ready to make a guest post pitch. Here, you introduce yourself, discuss your experience, and outline how you want to help any website that accepts guest posts. 

As soon as you apply, try to maximize your pitch in accordance with the website’s criteria to receive a favorable response. 


Attend webinars, conferences, seminars, and offline and online events to expand your professional network among medical and paramedical experts. By doing this, you may establish connections with other bloggers and website owners and then, depending on your recommendations, make your guest offer. 

Search Engine Queries

Try different search queries for guest posting in the health, medical, or paramedical fields. 

A few relevant queries are:

finance write for us

write for us finance

personal finance write for us

write to us personal finance

finance blog write for us

write for us + finance

finance guest post write for us

finance + write for us

write for us paid finance blog

“finance” + “write for us”

write for us – finance

“personal finance” + “write for us”

finance blog + write for us

finance blog: write for us

write for us personal finance insurance news

personal finance blogs write for us

elite personal finance write for us

pet finance + write for us

finance write for us paid

finance blog write for us paid

“write for us” personal finance insurance news

finance credit repair + “write for us”

finance blog + “write for us”

personal finance “write for us”

“business finance blogs” + “write for us”

finance planning + “write for us”

finance intitle write for us

personal finance + write for us

business finance “write for us”

personal finance sites, write for us

finance, write for us

“write for us” “business finance” blog

personal finance blog write for us

“finance blogs” + “write for us”

write for us finance and law

business finance + “write for us”

“write for us” finance blog

business finance write for us

finance guest post

business guest post

loan “guest post”

insurance guest post

retirement “guest post”

debt guest post

credit card guest post

money saving guest post

investment guest post

loan guest post

finance “guest post”

retirement guest post

forex trading guest post

business “guest post”

insurance “guest post”

debt “guest post”

money saving “guest post”

investment “guest post”

credit card “guest post”

real estate “guest post”

forex trading “guest post”

personal finance “guest post”

personal finance guest post

finance write for us

business write for us

personal finance write for us

insurance write for us

loan write for us

debt write for us

money saving write for us

investment write for us

credit card write for us

retirement write for us

real estate write for us

forex trading write for us

“submit a guest post”

“write for us”

“guest article”

“contributing writer” finance

“want to write for”

“submit blog post”

“contribute to our site”

“submit content”

“submit your content”

“guest post”

“guest posts wanted”

“guest blogger”

“become a guest blogger”

“submit news”

“submit post”

“write for us” finance blog

“write for us” accounting

“write for us” investing

“write for us” mutual funds

“write for us” insurance

“write for us” loan

“write for us” money

“write for us” credit card

startup write for us

write for us business

business tips “write for us”

business blog “write for us”

sales + “write for us”

accounting write for us

office write for us

finance + “guest blog”

finance + “contributor guidelines”

finance + “guest blogger”

finance + “write for us”

finance + “guest column”

finance + “write for me”

finance + “guest article”

finance + “become a contributor”

finance + “guest posts wanted”

finance + “contribute to this site”

finance + “guest post opportunities”

finance + “guest poster wanted”

finance + “become a guest blogger”

finance + “looking for guest posts”

finance + “contributing writer”

finance + “become an author”

finance + “submit blog post”

finance + “submit guest post”

finance + “accepting guest posts”

finance + “suggest a post”

finance + “contribute to our site”

finance + inurl:category/guest

finance + “submit content”

finance + inurl:contributors

finance + “submit blog post”

allintitle:finance + guest post

finance + “submit your article”

allintitle:finance + write for us

finance + “guest post guidelines”

allintitle:finance + submit blog post

Last Words

Always keep in mind that quality is important. 

Try to concentrate on offering the most outstanding content from your personal experience in your area of specialization or competence, thoroughly researched; it must also be relevant to the visitors of the websites you have chosen. 

Additionally, establishing relationships with website owners will help you in the future to obtain additional possibilities for guest writing.